Get a body you feel great living in! AGAIN

You CAN take back control of your body. 

But …are you still waiting for someone else to fix you?

Maybe you’ve been led to believe everybody else knows more about your body than you do. But there’s a little voice inside of you that knows that’s not entirely true.

That’s the part of you that hungers for exercise that makes sense, so you can be the #1 expert on your body.

When you have better information and exercise practices that heal rather than hurt, you can make better choices for yourself.

When we know better we do better.

Familiar but different 

Come feel the difference that getting to know and befriending your body makes. By learning to work with rather than against yourself, you’ll learn to:

  • Move YOUR spine so it feels limber again

  • Rebalance your hips so you can walk, run or cycle all day and get up and do it again

  • Free up tension in your shoulders that allows you to garden, swim or dance the night away

  • Fix your feet so you have rock solid balance

A one-on-one session where Heather guides her client through a movement practice, highlighting the personalized attention in a warm and supportive environment.

That’s what we do differently here

Teach the how. Over and over so you get it!

In many different ways so you can learn to control your movement and your body.

Although we never do the same class twice, many of the movement patterns are taught using a variety of techniques and repeated through the teaching cycle.

So you might not “get it” right away. But after a number of times being exposed to the same movement question, a lightbulb will go off in your head and you’ll understand.

When that happens, it’s a hallmark moment where you know you can take back control of your life.

Heather demonstrating the "Roll and Release" Pilates exercise with a small exercise ball, focusing on spinal mobility and muscle relaxation

HDM classes are focused movement lessons that teach you to become aware of your body blindspots, and then teach skills to release, reset and restore functional movement and agency  of your muscles, joints and your life.

So you can:

Reduce pain and prevent injury

Recover or restore full body mobility

Get stronger from head to toe

Improve mind body awareness for more rock solid balance

Reduce stress and work with rather than against your tension


Traditional approaches to Exercise, Yoga, or Pilates often place value on doing more, longer, and harder. Classes are a whirlwind of moving from pose to pose without time to settle in and allow the body to find the correct alignment your body needs for your brain and body to work in harmony.

Here we focus on quality of movement, not quantity. You won’t do as many exercises, but you’ll do them with more focus and more intensity, resulting in a deeper sense of discovery about your body, your mind, and your self.


Movement lessons are choreographed from exercises derived from over thirty years of study of Pilates, Yoga, Myofascial release, and Strength training.

The difference is a somatic approach which uses blocks, balls, and bands to create support and improved mind-body perception. This process is called proprioception, which is a fancy word for being able to feel what we are doing.

Who is it good for?

Anybody that has a body and wants to feel great living in it!

When & Where?

Classes are offered online.

Private coaching is also available in a fully equipped Pilates Studio near Lunenburg, Nova Scotia or by Zoom.

Upcoming events

Don’t miss out on a class that your body would be excited to attend.

Live classes, and a vast library of recordings, are available through my online studio at

Current schedule until August 26th | New sessions begin September 

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