Your Tuesday Somatic Pilates
It’s time to begin again. Because the more times we start over the better we get at it.
And in terms of an exercise practice that heals rather than hurts, it’s essential to never give up on getting more connected, coordinated and balanced. So you can discover the confidence that comes from having control of your body. Which gives you mastery over your life.
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Don’t believe the doctors, the friends, and the well-meaning folks who say you have to give up on your body as you get older.
AnyBODY, at any age, can learn to move better, get stronger, and have more control over themselves.
You see, most exercise, yoga, and fitness activities don’t teach movement skills. They assume you already have them. The truth is, most people, whether they are thirty or sixty don’t.
That’s what we do differently in The Heather Dennis Method Somatic Pilates. We learn and practice movement skills so that you can participate in other activities without getting hurt.
It’s not an age thing. It’s not an inconvenient truth. It’s a false narrative we’ve swallowed hook, line, and sinker!
It’s an attitude thing. And our attitudes are completely changeable…at any age. And so is our body!
I want to teach you powerful movement skills to improve how you move.
That, plus a shift in attitude, can make this the best year of your life.

And it starts with one class per week. Your Tuesday Somatic Pilates is where you get a download of movement software for your body. It includes updates for mobility, balance and strength by becoming aware of using your core to support your joints.
So there are fewer aches and pains and trips to the well-meaning health practitioners that tell you “what do you expect at your age!”
Here we defy the low bar set for those of us over fifty that we are old and that we need to tone it down!
Who the heck wants to look forward to doing less, being in pain and being surrounded by people in the same mindset?
Not ME!!!
If you want to get excited about feeling younger as you grow older Your Tuesday Somatic Pilates is a great place to start.
Think of it as an insurance policy in mind and body to keep you moving well and enjoying the rest of your life.
This program starts Tuesday, January 15th at 10 am Atlantic time
You get four classes per month, plus replays of each class and access to a video library of past lessons.
Here we work on things like:
Balancing your hips so your back doesn’t go out more than you do
Fixing your feet so you can stand like a stork
Decompressing your spine so you can stand tall and proud
Softening the shoulders and strengthening your arms so you can lift stuff
Movement that improves and supports anybody no matter their age
Connecting to your core so you have an inner support system

You’ll need a few props:
A mat
2 yoga blocks
Soft massage balls or a rolled up hand towel
An inflatable Pilates ball
A broomstick
A piece of theraband (green) or CLX ( green)