Train For Life

You have an impressive record. You’ve survived at least five decades of living. Done amazing things. You’ve been a generation of women knocking on the glass ceiling of power.

Perhaps you’ve tasted the sweet smell of success. Or your definition of a life well-lived has been tending to and loving your family.

And you wouldn't want it any other way.

But while you were cultivating a career or a clan ,your body became last on your list of priorities.

And now the stabbing pain you feel each and every morning reminds that you are getting older. 

And you are terrified this is the way it’s always going to be.

Train for life will

Move like you did twenty years ago

Help you get off your seat and onto your feet

Do ordinary things easily without pain

Forget your laundry list of body woes

Get back to doing things you love

It’s not an exercise program. It’s a mind body reset that teaches you a proven set of movement skills that help you do life on your terms.

So if you are thinking there’s nothing you can do about how you feel in your body I want to urge you to sign up for this program.

You’ll be able to lift your heavy bags of groceries out of the back of your car. Spend the day on your knees gardening and take those long walks with your  dog.


By becoming aware of how you move

By moving in ways you used to

By feeling the support of your body

By controlling your movement

By learning how to coordinate movements

By learning the skill of balance

Yes we’ll strengthen as that is what the program is all about. Yes you’ll get more flexible. But the biggest thing you’ll achieve is finding confidence in your mind and body and YOU.

You can start by purchasing my ebook.